Ode to my depression

Image courtesy of worldofmiri.com


When we fall so low that it is hard to breathe

When we crash so deeply that only despair and pain remain

When we cannot see the door or the way out because we have our eyes closed and there is darkness all around

When we get lost in ourselves, our wounds and never ending sorrow

 This is when we need you most

A helping hand, a hug, a loving word

Someone just sitting with us, holding us while we are wallowing through our darkest depths

 When we feel like we want to scream because the world is collapsing all around us and there is nowhere to go

When we believe we cannot walk any further

When the only option left seems giving up

When the whole of everything collapses and we spin into the dark, sucked into the vortex taking us lower and lower

When we sense we are drowning amidst the sunlight

When we are stuck in purest isolation amidst masses of people

When we are locked behind thick walls where no one or nothing can reach us

This is where my depression resides


My Depression. Our lock-down.